

b. 1986, HK.

This picture is obnoxiously BIG! Sorry about that.

This picture is obnoxiously BIG! Sorry about that.



(949) 400-4445



Hi, welcome to my About page. Thanks for stopping by. I’m a creative copywriter who did a lot of different stuff before landing in advertising. I’ve been a:

  • Live show producer

  • Television producer

  • Commercial casting director

  • On-camera performer (see Other Stuff page for reference)

  • Touring Stand up Comic (see Stand up Comedy page for reference)

  • Associate choreographer (I can send tape for proof lol)

  • Column Writer

And now I’m in advertising. I like to think this varied background helps to give me a unique perspective as a storyteller which sets me apart from other copywriters. Also, I’m gay as Christmas, so I know a lot about inclusive advertising and more than I care to admit about the Real Housewives of every major American City.